Bet ya thought I had forgotten

Although I am extremely late with today's blog post, it is only 10:57pm, so really, I have like an hour or so before I am too late.
I am cutting it fine because tonight we had my little brothers engagement party down in Melbourne, so we only got back about 1/2 hour ago.
Tuesday night is perhaps not the best of nights for such a party, but in his world, it is the best night for him. So off we raced straight after school to the party.
We had a wonderful time although I know that Ryley will most likely vomit within the next 24 hours or so from tiredness, but the main thing is he had fun!!

I forgot my camera, so I don't have any photos.
It is so nice to see my little brother so happy. His fiance is lovely and they make a great couple!

On a bit of a sadder note, our little nephew Eric is in ICU at the RCH at the moment after a bad accident, so please say some prayers for him if you can. We are all very worried about him.

I am off to briefly check emails then head to bed. It has been a long day!!


  1. Sorry to hear about your nephew.... he and is family will be in my thoughts

  2. Thanks Mel, he is in a stable condition, and hopefully back in Ballarat hosp today or tomorrow.

  3. I hope your nephew is OK. Glad you had a good time at the party - heres hoping for no vomit from Ryley!!


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