A night out you say?

Yes Yes. It is an extremely rare event. But last night we had our 2ND night out together for the entire year. Oh imagine our excitement. Actually. We were extremely excited, because we were attending the Official Launch of 4p Aussie Kidz. You can go here: http://4paussiekidz.org.au/ to find out more. Or you can visit the blog here: http://ellieedayoung.blogspot.com/ to meet Ellie and her parents Mel and Luke. It was a great night, made greater because we won the slide we wanted in the auction. Mel and Luke did a great job and it is great to see their dreams coming true. I didn't get too many photos because my camera sux (I really need a fancy one). But the lovely Liv had her awesome camera and took a couple of us and our poster boys. Liv took a better photo than this (which is my dodgy one), but for some reason I can't get it on the blog. PS. Conference in less than 3 weeks..EEK!!