Just 'cos

I know I am only posting very sporadically these days, so I would forgive you, my dear readers, if you lost interest. Countdown is well and truly on until the conference, and every spare minute is taken up finalising, emailing and organising. I didn't really have spare time before, so I literally have not a second spare right now. Very excited though as I hear from more families who are coming, and watching as things start to come together. There is never a dull moment in our lives either. Ryley currently has soft tissue damage to his ankle, or possibly a torn ligament. So he is not wanting to walk. I have been carrying him around and my back is just about stuffed. We are waiting patiently for his new stroller so I can transport him around a bit easier. Until then the old faithful stroller is getting a workout. Poor kid must be in a decent amount of pain though. Not fair. So bear with me. Once the conference is over this blog will get a revamp and I will bring in some change...