
How good does my house look? Ok Ok. You're right. There is no way that is my house. I wish it was though. Those lights look lovely. Though I wouldn't like the electricity bill to go with it. Christmas in our house is an exciting time. I absolutely love building it up for my kids. I love that they believe in the magic of Christmas. It is a special time for them. We usually start mid way through November. I put up a few lights, find a few Christmassy things to dot around the house. This year, we have been drawing Christmas trees and Santa's, and colouring in reindeer pictures. Braeden has been walking around the house telling me everytime he does something 'good', because Santa is watching him. He has even been telling Ryley not to be naughty or Santa won't come. I just love watching their eyes light up when they see the Christmas lights. Or when we talk about what we will put out for Santa and his reindeers to eat. It makes my heart smile. We ha...