And so we finish

Last post of November! Phew! I made it through!! <-------And I even managed to make my house look like this. OK. That's not true. Though it does look very festive doesn't it??! We put lights up every year usually. Except last year we caught some little kids trying to pinch them and pull them down, so it has very much put us off having any up this year. We will put them inside instead I think! So, tomorrow is the first day of summer and the current temperature is a balmy 20 degrees celcius. Heat wave I tell ya. At least the rain has stopped for a brief interlude, so that part is good. December is one of the busiest times of year for us. We have end of year school concert, christmas parties for work and daycare. Christmas parties with friends. We generally catch up with a few of our good friends before christmas and the kids love it. No matter how busy we all get, we still manage it. Hopefully I am going to start my christmas shopping on the weekend. Start and finish it wo...