As a Social Worker, our pay is basically really bad. Despite the fact that we work with some of the most vulnerable and desperate people in the community, our work is often not recognised. Every single day, we talk to people, help them and empower them. Not only is there inequality in pay within our sector, but also between genders. All too often we are given the line "you do what you do because you love it". Yes. Mostly, I enjoy the work that I do. If I didn't, then I wouldn't be a social worker, right? But that doesn't mean that I don't deserve a fair and equitable pay does it? The emotional toll that being a social worker takes on you is one of the hidden costs of the sector. Without proper supervision and self-care, you will never survive more than 5 years as a social worker. Sometimes I shudder as I remember the things I have seen. The things I have been told. The ethical dilemmas I face. All on a daily basis. The constant position I am in,