Begonia Festival Weekend

It has been a long weekend for us this weekend because of Labor Day so, we have made the most of it!
I managed to get some painting done inside the house and David managed to lay a stormwater pipe (or something incredibly important like that). The boys have both spent time on the slide, playing with next doors puppy (and also make themselves at home inside at our neighbours!), and just lots of general playing. How relaxing?!

Today, was the Begonia Parade up at the Lake. Basically every year Ballarat has a Begonia Festival. The botanical gardens are beautiful anytime, but they look even better for this weekend.
David had to do traffic for the parade, so the boys and I headed up to have a look around while we waited for the parade to start.
We went and had a look at the little petting zoo thingy (what are they called again? You know what I mean, a heap of animals wandering around and kids can go feed them and pat them...). The boys LOVED it! Braeden was a bit unsure about patting the cows and goats at first, but Ryley (who is usually the unsure one) went straight up and patted them. Once Braeden saw his big brother doing it, he knew it was ok.
After the zoo thingy we went and waited for a tram. The trams run every weekend all year round but normally they cost to go on them. They are vintage trams, so old rattly things, and the boys had a ball. I forgot to take my camera so the two pics I took on my mobile, so not that great sorry!
Finally, it was time for the parade and just as the parade started so did the rain! Buckets of it actually! Somehow I managed to keep the boys dry, but I got soaked.
The kids loved the parade. So many different things to see. I can't believe that it was the first year I have ever actually taken them to watch the parade. The thing I loved the most was seeing people of all abilities taking part. It was wonderful to see!
So now the boys are in bed, the wood heater is going, and I am going to make a cup of hot chocolate and settle in on the couch and read.

And...just quietly because I don't want to jinx myself...Braeden has decided to sleep in his BIG BOY BED now because I bought some Wiggles curtains. It seems that was all he needed to convince him that his big boy bed is awesome. Who knew? He also takes about 6 toys to bed with him and tucks them all in with him so there is only the tiniest space left for him. But whatever works right?!


  1. Yay Ryley for going straight up to pat the animals. Yay Braeden on patting the animals (and very quietly) sleeping in your big boy bed!)

  2. Your long weekend sounds fabulous and I'm now your newest follower!


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