Merry Christmas

I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! I hope that you all enjoy your day and that Santa comes to visit tonight!!

Both Ryley and Braeden are fast asleep after warnings from me that if they don't sleep all night then Santa won't visit. Ryley was listening and I know he will sleep all night now. Braeden....well...he will try I am sure!

I usually like to make a few christmas wishes and this year is no different. So here are my wishes:
For Ryley:
* That Ryley can continue to grow and be healthy
* That Ryley can maintain his current amount of seizures (less would be even better).
* I wish that we can get Ryley the communication tools he needs to help him get his point across!
* I wish that Ryley can continue to enjoy his life and can experience as many wonderful things as possible!

For Braeden:
* I wish that Braeden can continue to thrive and grow.
* I hope that he can continue to enjoy his life.
* I hope he stays as healthy as he always has been (nearly 2 years old and never been to see a doctor!!).
* I hope that Braeden knows how much we love him!

I was so proud to read both my boys progress reports this year. Ryley has met so many of his goals, and we set some new ones, especially around handwashing and toileting. I am very excited to start following these through at home.
Braeden's childcare does a portfolio for him, which basically tracks his developmental progress over the year. I was absolutely thrilled to read that Braeden is exceeding any goals set, and is constantly having to be challenged!  He is now even talking in two-word sentences!

To all my readers, may all your Christmas wishes come true. Thankyou for reading my ramblings and for all the support that I have got from all around the world. It truly means so much to me..

Anna (& David, Ryley & Braeden) xoxoxoxo


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