30 days of Thankfulness-Day 30

Well I have finally got through the month.

I was dreading November to be honest. It has been so busy. But here we are at the last day. I am thankful for that!

I am thankful for those who have taken the time to read, comment or message me during the month of posting.

I am thankful to be able to reflect on the things each day that I am grateful for. I think that I will try and consciously be grateful for something every day, no matter how hard my day might have been.

And now I am thankful that I am able to go to bed early. My body is aching and my throat is sore and I feel like I am getting a cold.
I have so much to do this weekend...like...christmas shopping for example, that I just can't get sick.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


  1. I've enjoyed being thankful too - but am also kind of glad it's over :)

    Enjoy the Christmas shopping!

  2. Well, what can I say! Congratulations, maybe someday I will get the energy to keep up with this level of posting and gratefulness...time will tell! Best of all to ALL !!

  3. Hi Anna. Well done on doing 30 days of a thankfulness. I hope you are feeling better.


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