30 Days of Thankfulness-Day 18

Today, I am thankful for that small portion of time that occurs when the kids are both in bed asleep, and when I go to bed. Usually both are sounds asleep at 7:30pm and then I tend to hit the sack at 9:30pm. I get two whole hours to myself.
Sometimes I watch tv, or go for a bike ride/run/walk.
Other times I read, or try and catch up on the jobs I haven't been able to do during the day.

I am also thankful today for the recommendation to read the book I am currently reading. Sometimes things just come into your life at the time you need them. I will probably write something about this book when I have finished it, but it giving me a whole new perspective on raising kids. Love it!

I am thankful for the couple of hours we got to spend fishing today. We caught 6 fish all up (carp though). It is a relaxing way to pass the time, although Ryley gets bored fairly quicky, and today, Braeden wouldn't sit still.

How was your weekend? Hopefully filled with fun and laughter, with a bit of relaxing in there too.


  1. I too love that time! Keen to hear what you are reading too xx

  2. I love that time of day too - in fact I'm loving it RIGHT NOW!


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