I know, I know

I am neglecting this blog terribly. I just don't seem to have the time anymore.
Braeden came down with gastro yesterday and has been the sickest he has been in his short life. Ryley has been crying with what I think are stomach pains, so I am tipping it will be his turn tonight.
I am constantly running on empty and I am OVER IT.
Thank goodness I am still breastfeeding though, not only is it comfort, but it is fluids as well. So Braeden didn't get dehydrated at all. In fact, he coped so well. Tough little bugger.


  1. Oh no - I hope Braeden is feeling better and that Ryley doesn't get it too (or you!).

  2. We have had gastro here too thankfully only mild. I hope Ryley missed out on it.

    I have given you the Your are my Sunshine award here: http://whiningattheworld.blogspot.com/2010/04/award-catch-up.html

  3. Hope everyone is feeling better now! Hugs <3 <3 <3


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