
You all know what fluff is.
Annoying stuff that means nothing, and has no real place in the world.
Well this is what this post is all about.

Well not nothing I s'pose. It will just have no theme. It will be a whole bunch of random thoughts.
So here we go.

I am so proud of Ryley for being student of the week this week.

I wish that he didn't wake at 5 am every morning because he wants to get up.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love coffee?

I suddenly remembered after reading this awesome blog that I am going to be going in a running race in 3 weeks and I should really do some running or something to train for it...

Braeden loves looking for bunnies at night. Every night. Not just easter bunny night. It doesn't help when the caravan park you are staying in has lots of them there roaming around. It doesn't help that a certain 2 year old now has his own torch and can open the door and go looking for bunnies.
Because it's dark that's why.

My house needs to be cleaned. Spring cleaned in Autumn. I really need to organise stuff. Finishing renovations would also help in the matter of cleanliness.

We have decided to try and save money and be really really frugal from now on. Everyone knows that the only way to get rich is to never spend a cent more than you need to. So that is my get rich plan. Really, it is actually very challenging to give yourself a tiny tiny budget and see if you can make it last. Seems as though we can quite easily actually. So for the next month at least, we are going to trial living off nothing and see how much we can save.

I am secretly loving the Wii. I can actually beat David at Mario Cart. He is really not good at it for some reason...or maybe I am just better I don't know. But he beats me at EVERYTHING else, so I am just going to bathe in the glory of winning, no matter how brief it will be.

So there is some fluffy fluff fluff. Enthralling hey?


  1. I know what you mean about Wii glory...I have a higher score than Murray (a soccer player) in the soccer game on Wii fit. We have to take our moments when we can!

  2. YAY for Ryley for getting student of the week... thats fantastic!!.. Thanks again for partaking in the run... we appreciate it...

  3. Wonderful stuff .. I mean fluff!
    Well done to Ryley for student of the week - and for such a wonderful thing too!!

  4. Congrats to Ryley on being Student of the week! and to you being great on Mariocart.

  5. Well done Ryley.Student of the week once again.You are a very clever boy.

    Jules xxx


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