Things I love today

I love how Ryley looks into my eyes before he falls asleep and we smile our secret smile. His means "goodnight, I love you Mum" and mine means "you will always be perfect in my eyes, I love you so much".

I love how Braeden saw the moon in the sky and exclaimed excitedly: "Ball Ball!" I carefully explained it was the moon and then he started saying "Mooooon". He sat and watched it for half an hour, every so often muttering "ball ball" "Mooooooon". You could almost see his thoughts.

I love how Ryley tries so hard to help me. Sometimes his body doesn't work and he gets so frustrated and upset. I wish I had more time and patience sometimes. He never gives up. I shouldn't either.

I love how Braeden wraps one arm around Ryley in the bath and pulls him close so he can pour water over his head. Ryley just sits there not having a single seizure with a bemused smile on his face. When Braeden is finished he kisses Ryley on the forehead and lets him go, all while pouring water over his own head. Then he points to the shampoo as if to say "now you can wash our hair Mum".

It truly is the little things, these tiny moments in time...this is what matters.


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