It's raining, it's pouring

I have been slack lately in terms of my blogging...sorry 'bout that. Life just gets in the way sometimes! In between having my sister and her daughter Talia staying, David working away, me working and the start of daylight savings, I have just had no time! Plus we have been very busy trying to get this house painted and the outdoor entertaining area done while keeping the boys amused...AAARRGH!!
So everything to do with computer stuff has been neglected.
As I type this, I am shivering. For some reason we have another cold snap despite it being Springtime. I think today we had a forecast of 10 degrees. Very below average for this time of year. Despite it being so cold, there has been lots of rain, which is just wonderful! We have been in a drought here in Ballarat for years and years, so to see our Lake starting to fill again and plants growing (and our tank overflowing!!) is just fabulous.
Ryley hates it when it is cold and raining though, it means he can't go outside and he HATES that. Braeden will happily find things to play with (which includes a sudden new found teddy bear friend), and will dance away to the Wiggles all afternoon. Not Ryley though. He has been pacing from the front window to the back window, checking to see if it is STILL wet and cold.
Yes Ryley, I'm afraid it is.
I am hanging out for some sunshine though. Just a bit of warmth would be good!


  1. Glad to hear from you. And happy to know that other blogging moms slack sometimes too! You made me feel less guilty. Ha! Hope that the sun starts to shine again soon for Ryley's sake. But it is great that you are getting some much needed rain too!


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