And just like that...

Routine is back.
I tentatively sent Ryley to school today, part of me feeling guilty, part of me hoping he was going to be ok. Turns out it was the best thing to do!
His teacher wrote that he seemed glad to be back with his friends. I bet he was! He pretty much hasn't been to school for a month!

He is down to just having Panadol in the morning and night now and is almost back to his old self I think. I can't believe he has recovered so quickly. He truly has more strength than anyone I know.

I feel so relieved at the moment. My stress levels have gone down a notch or two, and I feel like I can start thinking further than a day ahead at a time. Braeden and I had a very quiet day today, we went and fed the ducks at the Lake, we went to the bookshop and bought books, and we even managed to go to the nursery and buy some seedlings and seeds. Braeden really needed the downtime I think.

So, we slip back into routine, and hopefully it stays that way!


  1. So glad to hear things are quietening down for you guys and that Ryley has recovered so well from his surgery.


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