Welcome to our new domain name

So the full transition will take a couple of days, but we are now: http://www.blogaboutabloke.com/ !!!
I am going to attempt (!) to find the archives of http://www.ryley.net/ and transfer them over to here if I can. Ryley.net was our first blog/website years ago. It archived somewhere in the internet library so I am going to hunt it down. I tried to do it last year and failed. So hopefully I can do it this time?!


  1. Ok. so tell me about this switch. why did you do it? Was it hard? What is different now that you are on "your own"? Are you still powered by blogger? Oh - there are so many things I want to know... please teach me! (and if I asked something too personal, I didn't mean to.)

  2. Kristen- It was really easy to do! Just paid for my domain name through blogger/google. The main reason I went to my own domain name is to protect my 'brand'. No one else can start up a blog now called blog about a bloke. I have twitter and FB accounts under Blogaboutabloke so it makes sense to have it all the same. I am still all new to this, just learning as I go!! I guess my plans for the blog is to try and keep improving it and to do that I think being a dot com is the first step. Does that make sense?? And I don't mind you asking at all!!

  3. Good luck...my personal level of blogging sophistication would never allow this. I would probably lose everything in two seconds!


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