Good news and meeting more of our WHS family...

Today we went down to the RCH for the first of our two days. It was meant to be 3 days at the RCH, but Ryley managed to get out of his dental appointment on Monday by throwing up everywhere in the car...we had to turn around and come home. One way to get out of it I guess..

This morning he had a renal ultrasound and then an appointment with his neurology team. Awesome news was that he now weighs in at a HUGE 17.3 kgs!! This is almost unbelievable for Ryley who has always been so tiny. 18 months ago, he weighed 10.7kgs at the age of 6 and 1/2 years. The best bit, is that for his weight, he is only a fraction off the normal weight charts for a small 8 year old!! He has basically NEVER been on the normal weight charts (apart from the first couple of months of his life!). Ryley's height is still way off normal charts, but I don't care!!

Plus, he can stay on the Ketogenic Diet, which is even better news really. I thought today we were going to start the discussions about weaning him off, but thankfully he can stay on.

Tomorrow he has a very full on day, but at least we won't have to go back for a while..I hope!

Today we also got to meet another WHS family. You can read about Ellie here. Ellie is so gorgeous!! Ryley just loved her. He was squeezing her hands and playing with her feet and they were making noises back and forth to each other in conversation! Who knows what they were cooking up together!
I love being able to talk to other parents with WHS kids. It doesn't really matter how old the kids are, just being able to talk about the things we face and having someone else who knows exactly what you are saying is awesome. It was great to meet Melissa and Luke and Ellie today!
There are some cute pics over on Ellie's blog. Ryley kept pulling his cheeky face for the camera and refused to look at us. Typical.

PS. Only 5 more sleeps until school is back. *Happy dance*


  1. Great news about Riley's weight and staying on the keto diet! Also, I am so happy that you and Melissa could get together and spend some time with each other IN PERSON!!! I want to come next time, HA HA!!!


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