Back into it

First post for 2010.
It's not going to say much because I have a nearly two year old hanging off my arm trying to bite me.
It will say Welcome to a New Year.
It will say that my body did finally give up last week and I was bedridden for most of it with tonsillitis.
Me and David's one week off together was ruined by me being sick. I guess at least he was home and played with the kids while I lay in bed wondering why I was so sick. I forced myself to see a doctor and got some medicine and am bloody glad I did. I feel a lot better!

Lot's to catch up on.
I hope I can continue to improve the blog a bit and make it more interesting to read.

So, short and sweet.

The toddler has moved from trying to bite me to trying to turn the computer off.
(Ryley is actually behaving himself and is watching the Wiggles...).

Thanks for sticking around while I have had my little blogging holiday.


  1. Good to have you back Anna.. And very glad to hear you are feeling better. Saw your comment on Ellies blog, I would love to come meet you at the RCH, the 26 and 27 are good for me, so you let me know what time suits you.. we could have a coffee at Macca's. Sooooo looking forward to meeting you, David, Ryley and Braeden

  2. Welcome back. Sorry you were sick - tonsillitis is awful.

  3. Hi Anna, I saw you commented on my blog and wanted to drop by and say HI. I love meeting other WHS families and sharing stories.


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