
I really really need to start blogging again.
My stat counter shows 9 people visited yesterday.
Oh dear.
That is probably the lowest amount ever.

I have lots to share.
Some new achievements from Ryley (despite him still being sick and barely spending anytime at school).
Braeden is busy drawing beautiful pictures and completing puzzles.

David finally has a boat.
And me? Well. Nothing from me.
Stay tuned.
Am gonna get writing again...!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (Sorry - I spelled Ryley's name wrong in my previous comment so I deleted it...)

    Welcome back! I'm so sorry Ryley's been so sick - hope he's on the mend! Looking forward to reading more. :-)

  3. Don't worry, will stay tuned....we'll just wait for the inspiration to start flowing....

  4. Still here. Sorry Ryley's been sick. :( Seems quite a few of my favourite little ones are having a tough time of it at the moment.

  5. All in good time Mate...although, i do miss your bloggings! You've had enough on your plate, it's time to take a breath, we'll be here when your ready.
    Take care and lots of love,

  6. SO sorry that Ryley is stil un well... Hope e is on the mend soon. I agree with Liv, you have been one busy lady lately... looking forward to more posts soon. Big hugs xxx

  7. Oh WOW! SO nice to log in tonight and read all these comments!! I will be back soon. Am feeling the blog love that is for sure xox
    PS. Nice to get around to reading my fave blogs too.


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