David and I have been busy looking for beach houses to buy and we found one that we loved down at a little place called Yanakie, which is at Wilsons Prom. So we decided to head down on Saturday and have a look at it!
Yanakie is a bit over 3 hours drive from us, but seeing as my sister lives in Meeniyan we decided to see her, and then visit my parents in Melbourne on the way back.
The kids had an absolute ball!!
It was so so nice to get away from freezing Ballarat.

The house was great, but it wasn't close enough to the beach, and David wasn't happy that he couldn't go fishing due to the fact that the inlet is a marine park (so protected), so we will keep looking.
But it was so worth the drive.
It has reminded us how much we do love going for day trips in the car and how much the boys love it.


  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I am so excited for you that you are on the lookout for a weekender by the beach too.

  2. Ooo Thst sounds like so much fun! (both the drive and beach house shopping :) ). Good luck with finding the perfect place :)


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