Holiday wrap up

Dad and Ryley just watching the trickle of water that is the Avoca Waterfalls.

Braeden found the best way to travel around the farm is like this (thanks Noel!)

Ryley and Rachael.
We have just had two of the 'easiest' weeks of holidays so far I think.
The weeks flew by.
Never thought I would say that.
We were so so busy though.
Having a surprise visit from the Doeckes at the farm was a great way to kick of the two weeks!
Then catching up with friends and visiting Melbourne were other highlights.

We seemed to just always be doing something, which suited Ryley just fine.

Now that we are back into routine again, hopefully I will get back into posting again.

How did everyone else's holidays go??


  1. It seems like you all had a good break. I hope you are relaxed and rejuvenated.

    1. Here in the olde USA we are in the midst of a horrid heat wave. Even living by the ocean, time at this season always goes by too fast...then again it could be aging that makes times pass to fast? Glad things are well....


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