Things I have learnt this year

Here we are finally at the end of 2011.

To be honest, this year has totally sucked.
It has been one of the crappest years in a long time.
I am still trying to make sense of some of the things that have happened, and I am still trying to figure out the reasons 'why' we have had to go through them.
Maybe I won't ever know what those reasons are though.

So what have I learnt this year?
  1. I am not too bad at organising stuff. The conference is one example. I sort of did ok with that.
  2. I have some anxiety issues. Not terrible. Not world ending/life imparing stuff. But it does sometimes effect me. Panic Attacks suck too.
  3. I have an incredible husband. I mean. I already knew that. But we are closer and stronger than ever.
  4. Ryley has taught me more about patience this year than ever.
  5. Braeden has taught me to try new things and to find my courage.
  6. I am stronger than I think I am-someone very close to me keeps reminding me of this.
  7. I have wonderful friends who continue to support us year after year.
  8. There is no place like home. It is where our heart is.
  9. I can do anything I dream of. I just need the confidence to do it.
Ok, that is enough. Now for some of the goals for next year. I am only going to share some of them. Mainly the ones that will become part of my blog next year.

  1. Be better at blogging!!! I will have the time and headspace next year to blog my heart away. I am actually aiming to have 100 followers next year. The first time I have ever aimed for anything with the blog really. But I am hoping to reach more people, and spend more time writing about the more..ahem..controversial things that I love to have an opinion on.
  2. Run in the Run Melbourne in July to support 4p Aussie Kidz. I better start training me thinks!
  3. Expand my vegie garden and hopefully be able to reduce my vegie costs by 50%. We managed it in 2010, but this year I just couldn't spend time in my beloved garden.
  4. Start our dream (some of you may already know what this is. For those that don't, stay tuned).
  5. We are really hoping to have no stays in hospital this year. High hopes I know. But fingers crossed.
That will do. We really are aiming to try and spend more time relaxing, enjoying the little things in life. I am going to organise regular respite if I can, because it really is important to have some time out every now and then.

I want to thank all my readers for spending time reading this little blog this year. I know the posts have been sporadic and a little all over the place. I love that my regular readers have spent time commenting and supporting us through what has been a very dark and difficult year. There have been some highlights too of course which included the conference and the joys of watching my kids grow and develop.
I wish you all a wonderful 2012, full of Faith, Hope and Love.

See you next year!!


  1. I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you and your family! Sending love from far away!

  2. I hope you manage to achieve your goals next year. I wouldn't mind 100 blog followers either. Happy New Year!

  3. I hope 2012 is a perfect year!!! Happy New Year!

  4. Thank you ladies, I hope that your new years are fabulous and I look forward to your blog posts and updates!


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