Just 'cos

I know I am only posting very sporadically these days, so I would forgive you, my dear readers, if you lost interest. Countdown is well and truly on until the conference, and every spare minute is taken up finalising, emailing and organising. I didn't really have spare time before, so I literally have not a second spare right now.
Very excited though as I hear from more families who are coming, and watching as things start to come together.

There is never a dull moment in our lives either. Ryley currently has soft tissue damage to his ankle, or possibly a torn ligament. So he is not wanting to walk. I have been carrying him around and my back is just about stuffed. We are waiting patiently for his new stroller so I can transport him around a bit easier. Until then the old faithful stroller is getting a workout.
Poor kid must be in a decent amount of pain though.
Not fair.

So bear with me. Once the conference is over this blog will get a revamp and I will bring in some changes. And I might even post more regularly. Ya never know.

Here a couple of photos.

Looking cool in his footy colours.

 I told him the wind was going to change.

A little something for those coming to the conference (volunteers too)


  1. Oh no! I hope Ryley's ankle feels better soon, poor guy. That stinks!

    Great photos!

    Best of luck with the conference. I can't imagine all the time and effort you have put into it. Wish I could be there!

  2. I hope that Ryley recovers quickly (your poor back, too) and that the conference goes extremely well.

    I also hope you get to enjoy some of the conference and revel in the outcome of your time and effort.

  3. Poor Ryley.... That sux.. Hopefully he is up and about soon... Love the bracelets.. cant wait to wear mine x

  4. Never lose interest in following...hope the conference goes well and Ryley heals quickly


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