RIP Charley dog

My eyes blur with tears as I stare outside.
Part of me is silently urging her to find the light, the other is dreading the thought of her leaving.
I watch as slowly her eyes close.
Her breathing becomes laboured, it slows, her legs twitch every now and then.
I go out and reassure her.
I tell her that it is time.
I love you. I whisper.

In the background I can see the lemon tree.
Tall and wide and filled with lemons.
There is some new growth, but mostly there are few leaves.

Charley is a bit like that.
She has lost so much weight, she looks sparse.
She has fought to stay here with me.
But it is time, I tell her.
Find the rainbow.
And, one day, I will find you again-you know I will.

It is hard to say goodbye to someone who has been a part of your life for so long.
Nearly 13 years.
Longer than David.
Longer than my kids.

She was the one who protected me.
She listened to my rambling crying on the days I was at my lowest.
She was always happy to see me.

They say owners are like their dogs.
I tend to agree.
For Charley was strong, brave, fiercely loyal.
She was energetic, fit, and a great listener.
She was my black dog.
My crazy, fence jumping, escaping-to-explore-Ballarat dog.

I am going to miss her like crazy.

The last picture taken of Charley and I, at her last visit to the farm


  1. So sorry to hear about the loss of a friend...I understand at a deep level, I lost one special one on New Year's Eve and I still and brought to tears. Wrote a post then, hope it provides some comfort:

    Warm regards

    1. Thank you Phil. I can remember reading your post. And I will now go and read it again. Hard to say goodbye to our faithful friends.

  2. Oh, Anna. I'm very sorry for your loss. Losing a good friend (whether 2 legged or four) s so hard. Thinking of you and your family.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss! This is a beautiful poem, it brought tears to my eyes. Hugs!


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